Friday, April 14, 2017

Dear Locked-horn Leaders!

Dear Locked-horn Leaders!
by KSD 

Dear Locked-horn Leaders,
Listen up!

You -  stuck in what now seems mortal combat, painful conflict – hear me.
You, facing down former friends who seem now foes, going toe to toe
Both protecting, seeking the good of, for…
Listen up, you locked-up servants turned samurai.
Yes, to me.  

But not just to me, but to that other brother now fellow-battler,
the one that you need to hear you.
It hurts to be unheard.
Just ask him.
He too has experienced futility in attempts to communicate.
Yes, with you.
Misperceptions have calcified.
Clarifications are seen as spin, insincere damage control.
It is truly the parabolic dialogue of the deaf.

Hearing helps breaks the stalemate.
Slow down. Yes, shut up.
Pull up close again and try to hear, listen, grasp.

In the many distorted, misrepresented things hurled at you, about you,
He has also served up some painful truth.
Yes, served it in an ugly, brutal, unfair manner.
But mixed in the mangled messages is truth.
How do you discern the difference?
Brace yourself, warrior:
Which ones have friends and family mentioned?
Which ones have a sting of pain that is different?
I know, who is HE to critique YOU after all you… he…
Yes, pray for his hearing and you yourself listen afresh.

Dear Locked-horn Leaders, take a note.
You know how he needs to humbly submit, to learn…
He does – no doubt; and of so much.
And now seemingly too late.  

Well, just like him - yes, I’m going there – you too need to learn, grow…  
It is painful, but you are both right about a few things.  
And, you are both wrong about some matters.

Oh that you could agree about which ones.
But, alas, you are two hard-headed rams whose horns have lock-up.

Humility helps untangle horns.
Though it feels like a defeat, yielding, submitting is a winning move.

Locked horned leaders are scary.
They not only hurt the other brother, now seemingly foe
They hurt themselves
And, no denying it, others nearby are wounded as well.
The closer they are, the deeper the blow.
The damage is dense, diverse and damnable

Look up, Locked-horn Leaders.
Get some Eternal perspective
Yes, His, the Eternal One.
And, a view that is informed, influenced by time.
Take a long-haul view.
It is not all or nothing.

Live to fight  - better – another day
Leave the results to Him
Love everyone throughout the process
Lead with grace, gratitude and a guarded-heart

Shed the rack. Hurl the locked-up horn.
Drop the weapons

Oh to be locked, arm in arm, as loving fellow-laborers!
Side by Side, not face to face.
You want that.
You have been that
Allow, invite, promote that

If it is rejected, grieve that. It is sad, painful, confusing
Learn all you can from this painful season.
Listen. Keep listening.
Love, retool, repent and re-engage in the calling.


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