Monday, September 20, 2004

Throwing out the first words

If I wait for something profound, I'll never wade into these e-waters of blogging.
So, I am off, or in, or on my way. See, I definitely did not wait for something profound to get started ;-)

An apologia: why "By Grace or else"? 'Tis only true, that's why. The longer I am in Christ, the more I realize how utterly unworthy I am, was, will be, is be... pick your "be" verb, and I ain't... Grace is the base line, the entry point and staying power

Well, look at me, I am up & blogging . . .
Even that is by grace, as those who know me can testify.

Hey, ya know what? well, next time . . .

1 comment:

Kilikina said...

Why would you consider yourself unworthly? You have been fortunate enough to be given life and all that it has to offer? If you choose to live by the word of the Lord, I think that is an admirable thing as not many people can truly say that they have faith and at most times choose to not have any faith. However, you should feel very worthy and enjoy the time you have. Just my opinion. Enjoy your blog and have a great day.